Jodie Dickinson is the Director and Leading Educator of the preschool. Jodie works with families and community members to create partnerships that build on children and family’s sense of belonging and ownership within the service and wider community.
Jodie’s philosophy and practice considers the complex systems of relationships affected by the surrounding environment, from family and school to broad cultural values, laws, and customs. Jodie foster’s ongoing community engagement with children, families, Wyndham and Towamba Public Schools and broader community Education and Health services.
Lindy Cooper is an Early childhood Educator; she engages in fun play-based learning. Lindy encourages the children to have a strong sense of self and a sense of belonging in the preschool community.
Pauline Terwin is an Early Childhood Educator. Pauline engages children in the wonderous world of imagination and curiosity through storytelling. Storytelling develops literacy learning, communication skills and transports children to other cultures and ways of being.
If you ever want to discuss your child with Jodie, Lindy or Pauline please let them know. Learning and developmental reports are available at all times in children’s individual port folio.
Daily programming and children’s learning portfolio is recorded on the secure online platform Storypark.
Ensuring that your child is happy, safe and comfortable at preschool is a very important goal for the staff.